Never, Ever Give Up - CLE's book is available now!
The book is a showcase of anonymous stories and Letters of Hope.
It is memorialization of our time at Hart Crane Park.
Profits of the book will go to support local mental
health organizations.
As individuals, we often shy away from talking about hard moments. We struggle to admit things happened, to tell the truth about these moments, because we feel shame about our pain. We would rather pretend that we are fine. We want everyone to believe we are "normal" and hope that the pain will just go away. This delays our healing and inevitably causes us, our loved ones, and our community, more pain.
These issues we have as individuals then appear at a systemic level. When people in positions of power and privilege won't tell the truth, won't acknowledge or admit things, claim that things are fine, we delay healing and inevitably cause more pain.
We must learn to get up close to our hard moments. We cannot look away. We must learn to acknowledge hard moments, we cannot avoid them anymore. Telling stories, believing and honoring these stories, is just one small sliver of the work that needs to be done to build a more equitable society.